Love Doesn't Let Go

A blog for those who love, hurt, ask and dream. God is love. Love doesn't let go.

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Wednesday Apr 18, 2012

“There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” - Ephesians 4:4-6
I was born in Cuba and the thing about being exiled from your country is that whenever you encounter someone else from there, you develop a bond. I remember in high school, I was happy whenever I met someone who was from Cuba, regardless of where in the island they were from. I still feel the same way. There’s a bond that goes beyond nationality. It is a bond of a common shared experience, that of exile and persecution. It is a bond that came out of a radical event in our lives.
I hope that as Christians we can become the same. We have been through an even more radical change...
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Monday Apr 16, 2012

This is an exclusive sneak peek at the opening words of my upcoming book. It is a spiritual journey, starting with my upbringing in communist Cuba to the present moment, while all along diving deep into the most precious doctrines of the Bible. Part biography, part theology, this book will connect with all Christians and all those who are wanting to learn more about the faith.
Here's what I'm reading:
"Growing up in Cuba, you either belonged to the Communist Party or the Catholic Church. The entire island seemed to be divided in those two camps. Both institutions have their saints and rituals and both have their fervent believers. Before I could even remember or form my first words, my mother decided that I was going to be part of the Roman Catholic clan. My father objected, since he didn’t believe in God, but mainly because he was part of the Union of Young Communists and a baptized son could mean trouble for him. Despite his protests and absence from the ceremony, my mother persevered and a priest sprinkled water made holy over my head.
My parents didn’t stay together long after that, due to my father’s wondering eye, and hands and body I suppose. I don’t have a single memory of them together, no strolls in the park, no holding hands, and no Hallmark or Kodak moments. Probably because of this, the idea of God as Father was foreign to me. God seemed to be someone who visited on weekends and bought you nice things whenever he could, but stayed away during the week."

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